Financial regulations
The avalanche of financial regulations unleashed in the wake of the financial crisis of 2007/2008 requires close monitoring and analysis of all regulatory developments in order to understand the changes and challenges afoot in the financial sector. At Afi we have a team of professionals devoted to the analysis of regulatory developments, including those issued by the supranational institutions (Basel Banking Supervision Committee, Financial Stability Board, World Bank, Single Resolution Board, European Systemic Risk Board, etc.), the European Union institutions (Council and Parliament, European Central Bank and the banking, markets and insurance authorities: EBA, ESMA and EIOPA), as well as national institutions (Council and Parliament, SEPBLAC, AMCESFI, national banking supervisors, of the markets or insurance – Bank of Spain, CNMV or DGSFP).
That analytical process starts with daily monitoring of those developments, from the consultation and drafting stages right through to approval, whether in the form of directives, regulations, laws, guidelines or circulars, followed by analysis of the general impacts on the financial sector as a whole, which translates into:
- Regulation alerts.
- Regulation weeklies and monthlies.
- Regulation seminars.
- Regulation hotline.
Exclusive services for the clients that subscribe to this monitoring and alert service, channelled through Afi Research.
For entities interested in a gaining more personalised understanding of the effects of new regulations, our analysis focuses on the generation of specific impact reports for the financial institutions that hire us to provide that service.
However, monitoring and analysis is just one of our financial regulation services. Our close monitoring and analysis of regulatory developments has enabled us to develop a broad range of services in the area of application of prudential regulation requirements, with particular expertise in capital, liquidity and governance requirements and in the recovery and resolution field (IACL, ICAAP, ILAAP, risk appetite framework, IRP, stress tests, drafting of board committee regulations, suitability tests, recovery plans, information for resolution plans, etc.)
Lastly, our vast knowledge of the body of applicable regulations is rounded out with the ability to assist the financial institutions with their applications and authorisations before the supervisory authorities (Bank of Spain, European Central Bank, markets and insurance sector watchdogs, etc.), such as requests for licenses, delegation of essential functions, acquisitions or taking of significant stakes in entities, etc.